Your Questions Answered About Swimming Pool Care After Above Ground Pool Installation In Houston

by | Dec 4, 2015 | Swimming Pool

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After contacting an experienced company that specializes in swimming pool installation in Houston, homeowners will be able to enjoy many hours of swimming, relaxing and playing in their pool. Individuals who have never owned a swimming pool before often have questions about pool care. The information below provides the answers to commonly asked questions concerning above ground pools.

Q.) Is there a way that homeowners can heat an above ground pool?

A.) There’s a simple solution for keeping the water in an above ground pool warmer as the outside temperature gets lower. To extend the swimming season, many homeowners purchase a solar cover for their above ground pool. During the day, a solar cover helps the water in the pool heat up faster. At night, when the cover is on the pool, it helps the water retain the heat that was generated during the day. Another option for warming up the water in an above ground pool is by purchasing or constructing a solar panel heater.

Q.) How many years does an above ground pool typically last and how can homeowners extend the life of their pool?

A.) The lifespan of an above ground pool can vary depending on the type of soil that the pool rests on and the quality of the pool materials. Many pool owners enjoy their above ground pools for 15 years or more. To keep an above ground pool in the best condition possible, homeowners should never let anyone jump off the sides of the pool. If there’s a hole in the vinyl pool liner, the liner should be replaced as soon as possible. Water that leaks out of the liner can cause the walls of the pool to rust, and this shortens the lifespan of the pool. Homeowners can also ensure the longevity of their above ground swimming pool by hiring a professional company that specializes in Pool Installation in Houston to professionally install their pool.

Cryer Pools and Spas, Inc. is an experienced company that provides reliable swimming pool and spa services. We specialize in a hot tub, spa and swimming pool installation and maintenance. Contact us to inquire about any of our services by visiting the website.