Your Pet Deserves More Than Just X-Rays From A Pet Radiology Scan In Blackwood, New Jersey.

by | Apr 15, 2015 | Pets

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Medicine is medicine and it does not matter who it is being performed on. Doctors of Medicine diagnose and treat medical problems for us humans. Veterinary care is basically the same thing except that the patients are animals in the broadest sense of the word (including fish, birds, reptiles and, possibly, even some insects).

The Veterinary Physician
A veterinary physician could also be called a veterinary surgeon, veterinarian or, by the short form, a vet. Whatever name you use, vets will have studied just as long and hard as their doctor counterparts in human medicine.

Vets are required to prevent, diagnose and treat any kind of disorder, disease or injury in animals of all species (both domestic and wild). So, it could be said that their training has to be even more rigorous than that of the doctors who only deal with a single species. However, just like doctors, vets also specialize, possibly in the type of medical function that they perform but, more often, on the type(s) of animal species that they work with.

Diagnostic Imaging
Before any kind of treatment can begin, it is necessary to find out what it is that has to be “cured”. In other words, the problem has to be diagnosed and identified.

Sometimes the vet will use his powers of observation and cross reference what he sees with the list of ailment symptoms that he has studied. At other times, the problem may not be so easily seen and this is where diagnostic imaging comes in.

Human or animal, the old fashioned x-ray photograph is fine for diagnosing the exact features of broken bones but does not give good clarity when photographing internal soft tissue or body organs. This is why, in today’s hospitals for humans, the radiology department will be equipped with a whole range of high-tech equipment to help the doctors “see” inside their patients.

Instruments to “take” computer generated images and display them both on screen and in print out form are the norm for most human hospitals. These often scan the affected area to produce a wider “picture”. CT, MRI and PET scans along with nuclear medicine and ultrasound scans have hugely increased the accuracy and relevance of diagnostic medicine.

It is hardly surprising that vets would wish to include these improvements in their animal based clinics. This is exactly what happened and you can now avail your pet of the latest in diagnostics through a Pet Radiology Scan In Blackwood area.