Why You Want a Lawyer Present at Your Chicago Driving Reinstatement Hearing

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Loan

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Why You Want a Lawyer Present at Your Chicago Driving Reinstatement Hearing

If you have had your driving privileges revoked by the state, then you know how much of an inconvenience it places upon your daily life. There are many things you simply cannot do when your driver’s license is taken away. Going before the Secretary of State to try to get your license back is an arduous task for which you must be fully prepared. This is why it is so important for an attorney to be present at your Illinois driver’s license reinstatement hearing.

Consider Level of Risk

The SOS board will evaluate exactly what they deem your level of risk to be. An attorney will help you prepare for this line of questioning and coach you on how to best answer these questions. Keep in mind that the board has heard every excuse in the book so trying to talk your way out of the situation is of no use. You need the preparation that only an experienced lawyer can provide.

Nothing Is Automatic

It is not a given that you will get your license back. In fact, not even a hearing is automatic. You must first apply with the SOS board to have one and they will give you an exact day and time as to when you must appear. Failure to be prompt in attendance will certainly hinder any prospects of success in reinstatement at your Illinois driver’s license reinstatement hearing.

If you want to hire the very best in legal help, contact Johnson & Goldrich P.C., Attorneys at Law at https://soshearings.com.