With the increase in states legalizing the use of medical marijuana as well as some states allowing for recreational marijuana sales, the need for effective, commercial cannabis growing equipment is on the rise.
One important factor for growing cannabis in commercial types of settings is the need for humidification. Research into the most effective growing methods shows that this humidification is not consistent across the stages of growth of the plant, so any cannabis humidifier system should be designed to allow for selection of the specific humidity range that is optimal for that growth stage.
Humidity Needs of Plants
All plants will transpire, which means they release water vapor into the air around the plant. This occurs to create the drawing effect to pull water and nutrients up through the plant and create optimal growth. When the humidity is too low, the plants transpire excessively, which leads to poor growth as the individual cells in the plant lose moisture and cease to function.
Too high of a humidity level in a greenhouse can lead to problems with mold and disease in the plants, but this is much less common in commercial applications. Controlling temperature and providing for proper ventilation around the plants largely eliminates this issue.
Additionally, by setting and maintaining a continual humidity level with a quality cannabis humidifier, there aren’t the extreme humidity levels that are most often associated with mold and disease problems.
Ease of Control
The humidity levels of cannabis plants tend to drop as they mature. They are highest at the seedling stage at about 70-80% and drop to just about half or 40-50% during flowering.
By using a cannabis humidifier that can be manually adjusted or programmed based on the number of days of growth it is possible to create the optimal conditions. Of course, plants will also need to kept at the ideal temperature with the correct number of hours of light as well as the best nutrients for maximum production.