What to Know About Rf Ablasion OKC

by | Nov 6, 2015 | Health & Fitness

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Spinal joint pain can seriously affect a person’s life. It can keep a pain sufferer from performing many daily activities and progressing in life. To help alleviate pain, a patient can choose to get Rf Ablasion OKC. Using this treatment can vastly improve a person’s qualify of life. The following information will give more insight into this minimally invasive procedure that is gaining popularity among spinal joint pain sufferers.

RF Ablasion in OKC is also known as lesioning or radiofrequency neurotomy. It can be extremely helpful for patients suffering from facet joint pain. This therapy involves applying heat to specific nerve pathways to shut off transmission of pain signals to the brain. This heat is generated from an alternating current ranging from 350 kHz to 500 kHz. This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis. Patients either receive mild sedation or a local anesthetic. This allows patients to avoid the risks involved with receiving general anesthesia.

Numerous benefits can be attributed to radiofrequency neurotomy. A patient can avoid open surgery, which carries the risks of infections and even death. This procedure can provide pain relief for up to two years. Lesioning can provide pain relief for a longer period of time than using steroid injections. This therapy has enjoyed a higher success rate among spinal point pain sufferers than those who elect to have surgery. Using radiofrequency neurotomy can give a person greater range of motion. The decreased need for analgesics is also an important benefit of lesioning.

During this therapy, a physician will target the inflamed nervous system tissue. Needles will be placed into the targeted area. A lesion is created when surrounding nerve tissue is heated using an alternating current of heat. Because of this, the treated nervous system tissue will no longer be inflamed. Before this procedure is done, a physician will perform a thorough physical examination and consultation to verify that surgery is not needed.

Using this therapy can help a patient lead a fuller life. Since pain can cause high blood pressure and other health problems, it can also enhance a person’s health. For more information on lesioning, please Click here to view the website of Longevity Joint Spine Pain. This practice can handle many therapies such as radiofrequency neurotomy, epidural steroid injections, and facet joint blocks.