What to Consider When Buying Snow Removal Equipment in Pittsburgh

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Equipment

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Pennsylvania isn’t known for its mild winters. That’s why it’s important for property owners to prepare themselves for serious snowfalls before winter starts. Read on to find some tips for buying Snow Removal Equipment in Pittsburgh that will make it easier to be prepared.

Buy a Snowplow

Don’t attempt to clear an entire commercial parking lot using a snowblower. These small tools just aren’t meant to handle large-scale snow removal jobs. Instead, buy a snowplow that can be attached to a pickup truck.

Some snowplows can also be used with tractors. They’re smaller, which makes them great for hard-to-reach places, and they tend to cost less than truck-mounted plows. Of course, they’re only useful to property owners who own tractors or are willing to purchase one.

Get a Salt Spreader

Salt spreaders come in a few styles. Some can be hauled in and used from the back of a truck, while others are intended to be operated manually.

The difference between manual and motorized salt spreaders is similar to the difference between snowblowers and plows. A manual spreader will be fine for homeowners who just need to salt a walkway up to their front doors, but commercial property owners are better off using truck-mounted models.

Accessories and Upgrades

Some plows come with upgrades like LED lights or V-flare designs. Drivers who plan to use their Snow Removal Equipment in Pittsburgh for commercial purposes typically find that it’s worth investing some extra money in larger plows and all the right accessories.

Given that snow work is seasonal, many professional plow drivers are actually just property owners who have the resources to contract out their services. Those who are just now purchasing their first plows will be surprised to see how quickly they can recoup the initial investments if they use their trucks to plow professionally during and after large storms. It’s worth buying heavy-duty equipment for that reason alone.

Check Out Options

Want to see what’s available without immediately committing to any particular brand or model? Visit Smouse Trailers & Snow Equipment online and browse their inventory to get the equipment search started or get in contact to request a quote today.

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