What Metals Require Anti-Rust Coating?

by | Apr 28, 2017 | Business

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Rust is a problem that threatens to destroy much of the infrastructure across the United States. It creates more than a trillion dollars’ worth of serious damages annually. This alone should encourage those who use metals in fabrication, finishing, and construction to consider the benefits and cost-effectiveness of applying an anti rust coating to their components and products.

What Do Anti-Rust Coatings Do?

Anti-rust coatings or anti- corrosion coatings have one specific intent – to protect substrate surfaces against the damage created by exposure to elements in their environment. To reduce, prevent or slow down the rusting process, finishing companies apply anti-rust coatings. They cover the substrate surface with another metal that acts as a protective measure against a number of deleterious forces including

 * Environmental exposure
 * Industrial Chemicals
 * Moisture
 * Oxidation
 * Salt Spray

They accomplish this by acting as a barrier – sometimes a sacrificial barrier e.g. zinc or zinc-nickel.

What Metals Require an Anti-Rust Coating?

Anti-rust coatings add an extra layer of protection for some metals and the only means of corrosion protection for others. Since rust arises from the interaction between iron and oxygen, the most common substrate surfaces requiring anti-rust coatings are:

 * Iron
 * Free cutting steels
 * Resulfurized Steel
 * Ungalvanized Steel

In fact, any metal that contains iron will require a coating against rust and other forms of corrosion.

Metals are potentially receiving an anti-rust coating in order to increase their protection in certain environments e.g. hot, humid, moist, or marine, are various non-ferrous metals as well as certain aluminum or copper-based alloys.

Anti-Rust Coating

Rust, a form of corrosion, is capable of slowly destroying even the toughest of metals. Research indicates the longevity of certain metals can increase by undertaking certain measures. If companies encourage finishers to apply and anti rust coating, they can decrease the incidence of rust becoming a potentially dangerous problem for companies, their customers and the public at large.