What Does It Mean When An Auto Shop Is DEQ Beaverton Friendly?

by | Feb 4, 2014 | Automotive

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Automobiles are one of the top polluters in today’s society. Fortunately, a number of different steps have been taken in order to reduce the carbon footprint that vehicles are leaving on the environment. In order to help with this reduction process, a lot of cities and states are requiring vehicles to pass an emission’s test in order to be legally driven on the roads.

In Oregon, there are no statewide requirements for emission testing. However, in the Medford and Portland area vehicles have to pass the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) emissions test in order to get their registration tags renewed. Naturally, a lot of people wonder what they are supposed to do if their vehicle does not pass the emissions test. After all, it is not like most people can just afford to buy a new and more eco-friendly vehicle.

If you take your vehicle to get emission testing and find out it does not pass, you need to take your vehicle to a DEQ Beaverton friendly auto repair shop. This is an auto repair shop that has been approved by the state and knows how to make the necessary repairs to your vehicle so you can get your vehicle registered. Du Fresnes Auto Service Inc is the name of an auto repair shop located in Portland, Oreogon. They are recognized as a DEQ Beaverton friendly auto repair shop. All of their mechanics are also ASE certified, to ensure that their customers get the best auto repair service possible. You can take your car to this shop knowing that the next time you take it to get tested so you can renew your registration, you will not have any problems.

When you are shopping for an auto repair shop, it is always a good idea to make sure you shop for a well-rounded one. The more services they offer in one shop, the better off you are going to be. This is because you are not going to have to find other auto shops to take your vehicle to. Whether you need a tune-up, the suspension fixed, an alignment, or an oil change it is nice to be able to take it to the same shop for everything.