According to a report released late last year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders, two to three in every 1,000 children are born with some degree of hearing loss. This report goes on to point out an estimated 15 percent of adults experience difficulties with hearing, and the number surges to almost 50 percent among those 75 and older. Despite the high prevalence, only a fraction of those affected has ever used any type of hearing aid.
You’ll find an array of solutions to hearing loss through an Audiology Clinic in Groton CT, but the process begins with an audiological evaluation. Using a series of highly specialized tests, your evaluation will determine the exact nature of your hearing difficulty as well as its degree of severity. From there, your audiology team can develop a course of action designed to best suit your specific needs.
Hearing aids have come a long way over the last several decades, transitioning from bulky, awkward systems to barely visible devices. Some, known as behind-the-ear options, consist of components wrapping around the outer ear as well as reaching into the inner ear. Receiver-in-canal models are the next in line and are slightly less visible. In-the-canal hearing aids are smaller still with completely-in-canal units leaving only a tiny portion outside the ear canal. Invisible-in-the-canal round out the selection as the smallest and least obvious models currently available.
While functionality is considered the most important element when purchasing a hearing aid, comfort is also a key factor. Once your evaluation is complete, an Audiology Clinic in Groton CT will help you choose the right model for your needs and schedule a number of follow-up appointments to ensure the best possible fit. If it’s not comfortable, you’ll be less likely to wear it and enjoy its benefits.
Price tends to vary in opposite proportion to size when it comes to hearing aids. Smaller ones are typically the most expensive and cover the shortest range of hearing loss, so they’re not the best choice for everyone. Features also affect cost with models capable of connecting to your phone’s blue tooth often falling on the higher end of the pricing spectrum.