Understanding Eye Styes: Cause, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Optometrists

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A stye is also known as a hordeolum, and causes eyelid inflammation. Styes are very common, and they are one of the most common reasons people visit their eye doctors. Here are some common causes, symptoms, and treatment options for styes.


Styes are caused by a type of bacteria known as Staphylococcus that causes an infection. While an infection is the primary cause of styes, there are certain things that can aggravate them. They include rubbing your eyes, wearing contact lenses, having dry eyes, and allergies.


Styes can cause eyelid swelling, a lump on your eyelid, pain, and redness. They may also cause burning sensations, itching, crusting of the eyelids, and mucoid discharge. Sensitivity to light, feeling as though you have something in your eye, tearing, and blurred vision may also occur. If you experience severe pain or vision loss, see a specialist in eye care in Jacksonville FL.


Treatment for styes typically includes the application of hot compresses, four or more times a day. Keep the compress on the affected eye for at least 10 minutes and if you have styes in both eyes, use a different compress for each eye. The compresses help relieve pain and inflammation while encouraging drainage. The stye will eventually come to a head, open up, and then drain.

Over the course of a week or so, the stye will heal. If your stye doesn’t improve, your eye doctor may prescribe an antibiotic ointment to resolve the infection. If you develop copious or very dark drainage seeping from your eye, seek prompt eye care in Jacksonville FL. The eye doctor may recommend that you also take oral antibiotics in addition to your antibiotic ointment.

To learn more about eye styes or to make an appointment with an eye doctor, contact us at your earliest convenience.