Top Reasons to Modify a Child Custody Order in Dallas, Texas

by | Dec 1, 2022 | Family Law Attorney

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If you and your ex have a custody schedule for your child, you might think that all is good. However, there may come a time when a change in that schedule is necessary. While this is not a common occurrence, these are the top reasons why modifying your child custody arrangement might be the best idea.

If Danger Is Present

If you feel that the child is in danger in the other home, it is crucial that you contact the Richardson child custody law firm as soon as possible to present your case in court. As far as the judge siding with the idea of changing custody, this stands the biggest chance of happening.

Other Parent Moving Away

When the other takes a job in another state or has some other reason why they must move far away, the judge will listen to the other party and consider the reason. It must be a logical reason for the court to agree to modifying your child custody arrangement.

Ignoring Visitation Schedule

If one parent is not following the formal visitation schedule, the court will most likely agree to change the custody schedule. However, it is highly recommended that you hire the Richardson child custody law firm to represent you in court.

A Parent’s Death

If a parent passes away, then the custody schedule will obviously need to be changed. There will be other factors to consider as well such as if a deceased parent’s family member, such as a grandparent, wants to share in custody.

Please contact Orsinger, Nelson, Downing and Anderson, LLP.