Jaw pain can be one of the most uncomfortable oral problems you suffer from during your lifetime. Knowing exactly what causes this issue and how you may relieve the symptoms that accompany it, can go a long way in helping you turn your frown upside down. Many people who experience jaw pain, otherwise known as TMJ (or temporomandibular joint) pain, will seek the services of an Emergency Dentist in Springfield. The following information is what you will learn from your dentist.
TMJ is the joint that forms the lower jaw to the temporal bone that is located in the skull. This joint allows movement of the lower jaw. There are various factors that can lead to TMJ disorders, like local causes, trauma, changes in occlusion (bad bite), bruxism, TMJ osteoarthritis, and infections in the oral cavity. Even general causes in systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus erythematosus can cause TMJ.
A TMJ disorder can generate referred pain in the neck and head. Pain, stiffness, joint immobility, pain during jaw movements, etc. are all issues one would experience with this disorder. The pain is usually high in intensity, but short in duration (usually seconds to a minute). In periods of calm the patient is totally asymptomatic. Aggravating causes: friction trigger zones, laughing, chewing, etc. In some cases, a Cosmetic Dentist can repair this issue.
There are specific issues concerning the TMJ that your Emergency Dentist in Springfield will focus in on. Trismus is another word for “lockjaw.” It’s a tonic contraction of the masticatory muscles, possibly because of fibrotic changes in the temporomandibular joint. This disorder limits the mouth from opening and causes pain when opening and closing the mouth. This disorder may result from multiple causes, general (stress, systemic sclerosis, Tetanus) and local causes (trauma, rash, keeping your mouth open for a long time during a dental treatment, etc.). Visit website
This can be another cause of pain in the TMJ. It is an occlusal issue, either repeated, constant or intermittent. It is manifested by clenching, grinding or rubbing the dental elements constantly. It is a very harmful habit for the teeth, as it can cause periodontal disease. People usually do this while sleeping or in times of very concentrated activity or distraction. This activity is closely linked to anxiety, distress, emotional stress and nervousness.
For more information about this and other dental issues, contact your local Emergency Dentist in Springfield today.