Tips to Help You Determine a Realistic Budget for Student Housing

by | Sep 21, 2020 | Student Housing Center

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When looking for Marquette University housing, price is going to be a big factor. You need to keep in mind the price of things where you are going and not where you currently live. If you currently live in a smaller town and are moving to the city to attend university, it is likely that you are going to spend more money for a smaller unit than you would in your hometown.

As you decide on the price range that you can afford, you need to factor in other expenses, such as utilities and transportation costs. There may be two units that you are considering. One may be significantly cheaper than the other, but both might be the same size and have the same amenities. If the more expensive unit also includes the cost of utilities, you might find that the more expensive unit is the best deal.

As you are making your budget and determining which Marquette University housing option is right for you, remember that a rule of thumb is that your rent should not exceed 30 percent of your monthly income. For the first month, you will likely need to pay the first and last month’s rent. There may also be a security deposit. Some utility companies will charge you a fee for connecting the utilities and getting things up and running. All these factors should be considered when determining the price range that you can afford for student housing.

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