Tips for Getting Better Auto Insurance Rates in St. Paul

by | Apr 6, 2012 | Insurance

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There are many ways that people can take in order to get better rates for auto insurance in St. Paul, MN. Even though we live in a place that has harsh winters, slippery roads and can have some severe weather conditions which affect road conditions, driver’s in Minnesota are actually quite good at reducing accidents. It’s for this reason that if you want to lower your insurance rates, you might have to get a little creative and take personal inventory into your own driving habits.

Here are a few things you can personally do to lower your auto insurance in St. Paul MN each year.

Don’t Get Tickets

Ok, this is pretty much the easiest way to have lower premiums for your auto insurance in St. Paul or any other city in the United States. But, the truth is that reducing your moving violations will show your insurance company that you are responsible, law abiding and are dedicated to putting safety first. If you have a need for speed, visit a drag strip where you can do it legally, but don’t do it on the city streets. Watch your speed; drive to the conditions the roads give you and you’ll find your tendency of getting traffic tickets will decrease significantly.

Install Anti-Theft Products To Your Car

Anti-theft devices are not a 100 % fool-proof way to protect your vehicle, but it will make a difference in your insurance coverage. The main reason that auto theft affects insurance rates is not necessarily the theft; it’s the inability to recover the vehicle or the damage done to the vehicle, causing the insurance companies to pay to replace it which causes the increase in rates.

Anti-Theft devices, such as lo-jack or a computer generated tracking device will improve your chance of having the police recover your vehicle in good condition. When this happens, your insurance company will pay less in repairs and will reward you with lower rates. Look into some new programs and anti-theft devices to lower your auto insurance rates in St. Paul.

Take a Driver Safety Course

Many people are ‘assigned’ or ordered to attend a driver safety course if they break too many laws, however, what if you are proactive and take a course to actually learn how to be a safer driver. Well, the truth is, your insurance company will reward you for your efforts. A driver safety course is designed to teach good driving habits and when you follow these procedures, it has been proven to reduce accidents and traffic violations.

Park Your Car In The Garage

If you have a garage, why not use it. According to studies, people who park their vehicles in garages are 85% less likely to have their vehicle stolen. It makes sense, but it’s very true. Protecting your assets in a secure area also reduces the chance of your vehicle being damaged in a weather related accident, such as a tree limb falling on your car, hail damage or windows being blown out by harsh wind.

The bottom line is when you are searching for lowering your rates for auto insurance in St. Paul, MN, the best thing you can do is put a vested interest in your personal driving and safety habits.


Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance