For dental offices, dental equipment repair services, or for companies that refurbish dental equipment, finding the right supplier for dental equipment parts can be a challenge.
Some suppliers only provide specific types of dental equipment components and parts, while others may only work with specific brands in providing OEM parts and components. While this is not a problem, it can result in significantly higher costs for dental equipment parts, which can have an impact on being competitive in the market.
Finding a single dental equipment parts supplier offers several advantages to a business. This is particularly true when it comes to parts that are often hard to find, including fittings, valves, saliva ejectors and high volume evacuators, foot controls, holders, and vacuum canisters. Replacement parts for these dental components may also be an important consideration, allowing a faster and lower cost repair as compared to replacing the entire unit.
On-hand Inventory
A top dental equipment parts supplier carries a full inventory of standard replacement parts, valves, and fittings. These standard parts are usually the miniature versions of valves, ideal for use in the smaller lines and systems common with dental equipment.
For OEMs in the dental equipment industry, or for repair services, working with a supplier of dental parts and components that can provide customized valves and fittings is often an important consideration.
Looking for suppliers that can make a valve to the exacting specifications required ensures that the exact design, materials, and features of the valve are incorporated into the final product. From pinch valves to toggle valves and regulator valves to shuttle valves, these companies offer the right part for your needs.
Always may sure the supplier you choose is also the manufacturer. This eliminates the need to work through a middleman, which can add costs, increase order turnaround time, and limit the available options in valves, fittings, and dental parts and components.