It is not uncommon for people to associate chiropractic treatments with back pain. A chiropractor is a specialist in spinal manipulation and alignment, which is effective in the treatment of the spine as well as the movement of the body. Correct alignment of the spine allows for proper movement throughout the body, providing the necessary support in natural healing and increased mobility.
However, top chiropractic offices in Fort Collins, CO, can provide a full range of services and support for all types of neuromuscular issues. Choosing the best chiropractic practice for you and your family starts with evaluating the services offered.
Experience of the Professionals
The internet makes it easy to learn about any chiropractor and clinic in the area. Take the time to review feedback, listen or read testimonials from past clients, and to check the practice’s website for information.
It is also a good idea to ask friends, family members, and coworkers for recommendations for a local chiropractic practice. This allows you to ask questions and receive information from trusted sources.
Health Issues and Specializations
Not all chiropractic practices in Fort Collins, CO, offer the same options for treatment. Comprehensive treatment for fibromyalgia, migraines, TMJ disorder, back pain, prenatal care, and weight loss are offered in addition to full spinal and back pain treatments at a smaller number of practices.
A chiropractor can also be certified to provide services to children, expecting mothers, and infants. Look for professionals trained in Pediatric Chiropractic if these are issues of concern.
At Heart & Hand Chiropractic in Fort Collins, CO, we offer a highly trained and experienced chiropractor with specializations and certifications in Pediatric Chiropractic and Sports Chiropractic. To learn more about our services, see us online at