To ensure the health of your pet, his or her teeth need to be kept clean and be examined regularly by his or her veterinarian. Tooth decay not only causes pain but your pet may not be able chew his or her food and he or she can get seriously ill if a tooth becomes infected. Use these tips to take care of your dog or cat’s teeth.
Start Young
As with human babies, proper pet dental care in Richmond, TX starts when your pet is a puppy or kitten. Even before he or she gets his or her first set of teeth, known as milk teeth, you should start using a damp washcloth to gently wipe his or her gums so he or she can used to having his or her mouth touched. As his or her teeth come in, swap the cloth for a soft bristled toothbrush to brush his or her tiny teeth.
Provide Chew Toys
As teeth begin erupting, puppies and kittens will chew on almost anything that they can get into their mouths. Not only can this ruin shoes, electric cords, and furniture, but they could be poisoned if they chew on the wrong thing. Give your pet chew toys to help ease the discomfort of teething and as part of his or her pet dental care routine as chewing can help eliminate plaque buildup.
Get Professional Cleanings
Your pet’s teeth should be professionally cleaned by his or her veterinarian to prevent plaque and tartar from building up on them. Unchecked plaque and tartar can cause tooth decay and allow bacteria to get into his or her bloodstream. Find out more about pet dental services by going to Site.
By making sure your pet’s teeth are healthy, you can help him or her live longer and be healthier. Pet dental care prevents tooth loss and helps make his or her breath fresher. Healthy teeth will allow your dog or cat to eat kibble and other hard foods plus prevent frequent trips to the vet. Click here to know more tips for pet dental care in Richmond, TX.