You might think that it’s impossible for you to get a long-term loan for your immediate needs if you have bad credit. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Long term loans bad credit lenders are available for you and other people who are in the same situation you’re in. The following are three things that you need if you want to obtain approval from such a lender.
A Reliable Source of Income
The first thing that you will need to establish if you want approval from long term loans bad credit lenders is a reliable source of income. You’ll need to have four pay stubs with you so that you can establish that you have the funds to repay the loan. You may still be eligible for an advance if you get another form of regular income such as unemployment, disability or the like.
A Bank Account
Most lenders require you to have a valid bank account in good standing if you’d like to qualify for an advance from them. “Good standing” means that your account has been open for at least 90 days, and you have not overdrawn it in such time.
Proof of Identity and Residence
You will need to bring proof of your identity, and you’ll have to show the lender where you live to qualify for an advance. Your driver’s license and social security card should do. However, you can bring additional proof of address, such as a lease, if you so desire.
Contact Short Term Loans, LLC to find out more about their long-term loan options and what you need to do to get assistance.