The Central Industrial Vacuum System At Work

by | Aug 31, 2016 | Machinery and Equipment

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Industries no longer consider maintenance as an afterthought. Keeping the floor area free from dirt and debris is a necessity. Keeping the air free from particles and particulates is essential. Fortunately, technology has the answer. It is an industrial vacuum system. Depending upon the model and type, it can handle everything you and your processes can throw at it.

Why Use an Industrial Vacuum?

Industrial vacuums serve a variety of purposes within the industrial workplace. They are designed to handle diverse workplace environments and remove various materials. They can keep a workstation clean – both the surface and the air around it. Industrial vacuums are adept at

  • Cleaning debris from loading stations
  • Removing chips of metal and other material from workplaces
  • Cleaning equipment at workstations
  • Whisking away hazardous material floating in the air that can lead to serious health problems e.g. silicosis
  • Sucking up combustible materials and particles without setting off an explosion
  • Collecting or sucking up liquid waste and spills to reduce the potential for health and safety problems occurring

Industrial vacuums can accomplish this as long as they are the right type for the job. However, if those who use them do not receive proper training, it does not matter what industrial vacuum system is in place. It will not perform to its optimum. The same also applies if routine and annual maintenance do not become routine.

Installing Industrial Central Vacuum Systems

Some work floors require heavy duty vacuum systems. They need to be in use 24/7. These must be durable and capable of handling a variety of materials. Some industrial vacuums can literally and figuratively suck up large steel balls. Some of these vacuums form part of a central vacuum cleaner system. They consist of a stationary device with piping placed strategically throughout the factory or other facility. These pipes connect hoses to a common line. This permits operators at workspaces throughout the building to clean up their spaces at the same time. Some industrial vacuum systems can clean up to 20 stations at once. This gives them an advantage over ones that are portable in a couple of ways:

  1. They allow work to continue without any operator waiting for another to finish vacuuming or for the maintenance crew to handle the job
  2. Reduces the amount of time overall for cleaning and disposal of materials

Both are beneficial of the company’s bottom line by reducing the amount of time and labor spent away from production.

The Industrial Vacuum System

Many Americans love their central vac or HVAC system. They find it to be advantageous in many ways. The same applies to industries. By installing a central industrial vacuum system, companies can decrease the time spent by employees stopping to clean and remove the debris. At the same time, they also are helping to reduce the cost to their company of workers off sick with work-related health problems.