The Advantages of Having a Family Doctor

by | Jan 20, 2016 | Health Care

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Even the healthiest person will need to see a doctor from time to time. Whether the need is associated with having an annual physical or getting help with impacted ear wax, having a Family Doctor in Wichita Kansas to call is a great thing. Here are some of the advantages that come with having a family physician.

Complete Health Records

Maintaining a history of past health issues and courses of treatment does have a bearing on what needs to be done today. When a patient schedules an appointment with a Family Doctor in Wichita Kansas, the history can be reviewed prior to the visit. This makes it easier for the doctor to know what sort of reactions the patient has to certain medications and what pre-existing conditions need to be taken into account before beginning any type of treatment. This sort of background information goes a long way in keeping side effects at bay.

Dealing with Chronic Conditions

Some types of health issues cannot be cured. Instead, the focus is on managing them so the patient can enjoy the best possible health. Diabetes is a prime example. Whether the patient is dealing with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the doctor will know what needs to be done in terms of checking glucose levels, cholesterol, and A1C levels. This is important since monitoring those issues makes it easier to know when the time comes to change dosages or try new medications. It also provides the opportunity for the doctor to remind the patient that observing a reasonable diet and exercising regularly in conjunction to taking medication will mean enjoying better health.

Help in Emergency Situations

Illnesses are rarely scheduled in advance. It is possible to sustain an injury at any time or come down with a severe cold unexpectedly. When possible, it pays to see the family doctor instead of going to the emergency room. The doctor has all the background on the patient already, and will know the best way to deal with the injury. If that means checking the patient into the hospital, rest assured the doctor will take care of the process immediately.

For anyone who does not have a family physician, Click here and start looking today. Doing so will mean always knowing where to seek help when it is needed.