The placement of dental implants is the preferred choice by dentists whenever patients can afford the devices and are good candidates for the procedure. Dental implants from a Loop practice are particularly advantageous for people who cannot effectively use their hands. They are also more suitable for patients with cognitive disorders that cause substantial difficulty in learning new skills.
General Advantages
Although bridges and dentures replace missing teeth, dental implants from a Loop practitioner help maintain the jawbone’s strength and density. In addition, these devices are more convenient since they don’t need to be removed for cleaning.
Physical Disabilities
Some men and women deal with arms and hand joints that are too painful or weak to effectively care for removable bridges and dentures. People whose hands are severely affected by painful arthritis are a primary example. Some autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, can cause significant weakness. Certain health conditions cause trembling that interferes with fine motor activity.
These individuals are accustomed to brushing with an electric toothbrush and flossing with a holder. However, needing to remove devices for soaking and brushing can be problematic. They also may have trouble replacing these false teeth every day. Asking for help may feel embarrassing.
Cognitive Disabilities
Patients with certain types of cognitive problems may not understand how to manage a dental bridge or a full set of dentures. Someone with dementia, for instance, may be unable to learn and remember a new skill. With dental implants, they can simply continue their usual routine of brushing and flossing.
For more details, visit Windy City Family Dental.