Spring Calls for Bumble Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA

by | Apr 11, 2019 | Pest Control

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When homeowners find yellow jackets building nests on a hidden limb of a bush or in the ground, the best thing to do is call a professional to remove them. Anyone who’s been stung by one of these dangerous insects will attest to the pain they felt as they watched their fingers or hands swell from the sting. One exuberant child innocently playing in his yard spied “bugs” coming out and going into a hole in the ground. He found a worm and dropped it in the hole to see what would happen. He was stung nine times. Fortunately, he was not allergic to them.

Bees and Wasps Sting

Don’t put up with dangerous stinging insects like bees and wasps. For Bumble Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA, log onto the-beeman.com for more information about the dangers of dealing with these stinging insects. The elderly and little children are especially subject to suffering stings, simply because they can’t move as quickly to get away from them.

Bumble Bees and Honey Bees

The-Beeman has been offering Bumble Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA since 1981. Communities all around the Pittsburgh area have depended on them for years. It takes a bee control company to carefully remove honey bees from the property. These bees are very important to farmers and the Earth’s environment. Great care in removing them is required. It’s quite surprising that honey bees pollinate thousands of fruit trees, plants in the garden and flowers in fields and yards, yet can just sting a human one time and then dies.

Keep Watch

Any homeowner’s property can become infested with dangerous stinging insects. Each insect is going to protect its nest if a person or pet unknowingly touches a tree branch holding the nest or starts a lawnmower nearby. Spring is here and the hot days of summer are on the way. It’s best to keep an eye out for yellow jackets making nests in the ground. Very importantly, do not try to handle an infestation alone. To do so is extremely dangerous. If the entrance to a nest is in the side of the home, closing the entrance can cause the insects to drill through walls and enter the home. Visit the website for more information.