Southpoint Community Church in Florida: An Life-Changing Experience

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Church

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Are you seeking a church where you can grow and develop as a Christian in Florida? Southpoint community church is located in Florida. They have various ministries and Christian life groups for men in Jacksonville. Their mission is to provide an excellent, life-changing experience that equips believers for service within their communities, beyond the walls of the church building, and into the world.

Ministries In Southpoint Community Church

  • Children Ministries

Their children’s ministry provides your kids with opportunities to discover the importance of worshiping God together as families. They learn about God’s love for each of them and find His plans for their lives.

  • Youth Ministry

The Second Floor youth ministry at Southpoint is a place for youths of all ages to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ. High schoolers, middle school students, and life groups fall in this category. The children grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus through discipleship because they are taught God’s word.

  • College Ministry

At Southpoint Community Church, they know college students are looking for something more than just a place to live and eat—they’re looking for a community. So they’re devoted to connecting with you and introducing you to Jesus, who will change your life!

  • Every Nation Ministry

Every nation ministry is a campus and city ministry that starts churches on campuses and cities worldwide by bringing the gospel to students and families. They believe that changing the campus will ultimately change the family, the nation, and the world.

For more information about Christian life groups for men in Jacksonville, visit Southpoint Community Church.