It is easy to lose track of when the roof was installed. That is because roofs tend to last for quite a few years and need nothing more than inspections and occasional repairs. The trick is to recognize when those repairs are needed and have them completed as quickly as possible. Here are some tips that will help the homeowner know the time has arrived to arrange for a Residential Roof Repair in Topeka KS.
Things are Crunchy on the Roof
While on the roof to clean out the gutters, the homeowner notices a decided change in the texture of the shingles. Once upon a time, they were sturdy and made very little noise while anyone walked across the roof. Now they make a sound that is a little bit like someone walking across a gravel pathway. That is not a good sign. This could mean that at least some of the shingles have become brittle and may not make it through the next storm. The best bet is to call a contractor and see what sort of Residential Roof Repair in Topeka KS, is needed to deal with the problem.
Water in the Attic
The last trip to the attic was not all that pleasant. Upon opening the attic door, the homeowner was greeted by a scent that indicated the presence of mold and mildew. Sure enough, the rafters were coated with a thin layer of mold and some of the clothing stored in the space was damp and emitting a noxious aroma. While it may be too late to save the clothing, there are things the homeowner can do about the mold. Calling a professional will make it possible to isolate the leaks in the roof, dry out the attic, and get things back to normal.
Stains on the Ceiling Tiles
The storm last night was one of the worst in some time, but the house seems to have survived. Before heaving a sigh or relief, take a look at the ceiling tiles. Are they still the same pristine color they were before or are some of them now sporting watermarks? If there are some marks, call a professional at once because the roof needs some help.
For any questions about residential roofs, visit us today. It will not take long to determine what needs to be done to ensure that roof lasts for several more years.