While replacing the siding on a home may not be at the top of a homeowner’s priority list, it is something that needs to be considered carefully. Over time, all siding can wear out, break, crack and just get old. As a result, leaks may form, which can result in the development of mold, mildew and other serious issues. This is why it is such a good idea for a homeowner to take some time to get to know the signs it is time to invest in Siding Replacement in Boston MA.
The Home has to be Pained Frequently
If a home has to be painted on a regular basis (every five to six years), then this is a definite sign that it is time to invest in Siding Replacement in Boston MA. Quality home siding should be able to maintain its color and shape for at least eight to 10 years, if not longer. Any siding that is cracking, peeling, or chipping is a sign that there is an issue present and that the siding should be replaced.
Higher than Normal Cooling and Heating Bills
If a home’s cooling and heating costs suddenly go up, then this is a definite sign that new siding is needed. While it is best to rule out issues such as improper attic insulation or a leaking roof first, in some cases the problem may be the siding. In this situation, the only way to know for sure is to invest in a professional inspection.
Warping or Rotting
It is a good idea to visually inspect the home’s siding. Take a sharp item and look for any signs of rot or warped boards. Try to use the sharp item to poke under any siding that looks damaged to see how solid the layer beneath it is. If it is soft, then there is no doubt that new siding is needed.
When it comes to siding, there is no question that its condition can make or break the exterior look of a home. If more information is needed, a homeowner can visit the Carroll Sons Inc website to learn more. Being informed is the best way to keep a home’s siding in great, protective order.