Senior Home Care in Frederick, MD, Discusses Signs Your Loved One Is at Risk for Falls

by | Mar 9, 2023 | Home Health Care Service

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The danger of suffering severe injuries from falling increases with age, but this does not indicate that falling is an inevitable component of becoming older. However, it is true that as you age, your risk of falling drastically increases. However, you may reduce your chances of falling by recognizing and reducing your risk factors.

According to experts in senior home care in Frederick, MD, your chance of falling increases as more personal risk factors are present in your life.

Poor Balance

Weak leg muscles can contribute to numerous balance issues, but so can medical disorders like vertigo or the adverse effects of some drugs. Experts in senior home care in Frederick, MD, suggest that in order to move without being concerned about falling, one should think about using an assistive device, such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair.


Unpleasant side effects from several different medications include lightheadedness, shakiness, blurred vision, and unclear thinking. Additionally, experts at Capital City Nurses share that taking more than four drugs at once can drastically increase the risk of falling. Psychotropics, blood pressure-lowering drugs, sleeping pills, and anticonvulsants are the drug groups most frequently associated with unpleasant side effects that may result in falls.

Cognitive Difficulties

With advancing age, cognitive issues are more prevalent and might impair a person’s ability to assess dangerous circumstances or identify everyday dangers that raise their risk of falling. By removing fall risks and making the necessary adaptations, you may make it easier for your loved one experiencing cognitive decline to move around the house and feel safer doing so.