Many individuals struggle each day with the sometimes debilitating effects of chronic pain. Chronic pain is an excruciating feeling that persists over a long period of time. In the past, few medical interventions were available that could completely help with this issue. Those who have been suffering from chronic pain will be pleased to learn that a very effective therapy is now available to help with this problem. Rf Ablasion in Moore is a technologically advanced therapy that targets the specific area where the pain exists. This procedure involves the removal or destruction of nerves through the use of heat that has been produced through a medium, alternating current.
Rf Ablasion in Moore can be done on an outpatient basis in most cases. Conscious sedation anesthesia or local anesthetics may be used. This therapy allows the doctor to target the specific areas where the nerves need to be blocked without harming the surrounding tissues. The doctor is guided while performing this procedure through the use of CT scans, ultrasound, or x-rays. Those who suffer from pain in the spine area will often receive local injections of a pain killer prior to the procedure. Heat will then be applied to the nerves that are causing the pain. The nerves that have gone through Rf ablasion will lose their ability to transmit feelings of pain to the brain. Patients who receive this treatment are awake during the procedure and are normally able to return home just a few hours after the procedure has been done.
Those who undergo Rf ablasion report few to no side effects from this procedure. The chronic pain that they had been experiencing will be eliminated, as the nerves providing the pain signals have been destroyed. Pain relief can last for a minimum of six to twelve months, and can be repeated as needed. In some patients, the pain relief gained from this therapy will last a lifetime, with no need for further treatments. People who are interested in learning more about this effective treatment are encouraged to visit the website. They can also schedule a consultation with a qualified physician so that a treatment plan can be developed that will best meet their individual needs.