Restore The Balance In Your Life With Acupuncture In Marin, CA

by | Dec 1, 2015 | Health Care

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Perimenopause and menopause are frightening for many women. A decrease in hormone levels brings many changes. Indeed, many women say they do not feel like themselves. The hormone, estrogen, is an important part of reproductive function. Likewise, it supports neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that affect mood, thinking and restful sleep. Additionally, a decrease in estrogen makes the skin dry and can make bones brittle. Women also lose testosterone which is key to the libido and muscle mass. There are treatments available to help during this time.

Many women swear by Acupuncture in Marin CA to get their Balance Restored. Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is more than two-thousand years old. It is based on the belief that the body has Qi (or energy) in it. When Qi is out of balance, people get sick. Practitioners insert needles in certain areas to restore a person’s energy flow. Many doctors use acupuncture to help women get through menopause. Additionally, acupuncture is used to help infertility. Doctors usually combine acupuncture with an overall wellness program that includes the use of traditional Chinese herbs.

The treatment helps in several ways, including:

1. restoration of normal hormone levels

2. helps to restore regular menstrual cycle

3. improves the libido

4. stops weight gain

5. improves insomnia

6. helps with hot flashes and night sweats

Acupuncture in Marin CA is used in several other ways to help women. For instance, the practice helps boost fertility. Amazingly, acupuncture and supplements improve the chances of conceiving by enhancing IVF treatment. The practitioner also guides the couple through the resulting pregnancy. The therapy helps stress-related problems including digestive issues and colds and flu. Further, many patients visit the doctor to improve internal illnesses like allergies and ulcers. Many clinical trials indicate that acupuncture is helpful for pain relief. Substitute herbs for drugs and it help patients get well faster. Traditional Chinese medicine can relieve arthritic pain, chronic pain, and injury-related pain. People with health care concerns want treatment options. Pharmaceuticals may not be working for them, and a new approach is necessary. The answer could be found in the ancient healing arts.