Water falls to the ground in various forms of precipitation. It may flow into rivers, streams, lakes and oceans, or it may seep into the ground. The water that seeps into the ground becomes part of the water table, or the level at which the ground is saturated with water. It is below this level where water wells need to reach, in order to produce adequate amounts of water.
The water table varies by location, so if you are considering having a well drilled on your property, you need to research your area in advance. Information regarding wells that have previously been drilled is readily available to the public. Records of wells can be easily accessed online. You need to have information about your property available at the time of your search including the section, township, range and quarters within the section where your property is located.
Where you find information online about wells in your area varies by state, but a helpful starting point is your state’s Department of Natural Resources, specifically the Water Division. You will find information about how many wells are in close proximity to your property, their depth and the amount of water they yield. Wells must yield at least 4 or 5 gallons per minute to provide a household with adequate water. More is needed for farm irrigation and other large scale usage.
Local water well drilling companies, such as West Bend Pump Service, possess extensive knowledge pertaining to the water table in the areas they serve as well as the types of underground materials they will need to drill through in order to reach depths that will yield the necessary amount of water. Once the well has been drilled to the appropriate depth, pumps and plumbing components must be installed to supply water from the well to the home.
After a well is drilled, equipped and confirmed to be operating properly, routine maintenance is vital to the pumps and to the well itself. Wells in a state of disrepair could lead to ground water contamination. Each state strictly enforces regulations pertaining to the condition of water wells; those not properly maintained may be deemed abandoned or in a state of disrepair and could be condemned.