Purchasing and maintaining an auto insurance policy is necessary to comply with the law. Not carrying car insurance can result in financial penalties and may cause you to lose your driving privileges. Rates for auto insurance vary greatly depending on the insurance company, the level of coverage you need and your personal driving history. To ensure you get the best policy for your money, it is important to get several auto insurance quote in Philly before you select a policy.
In order to effectively compare the quotes, you’ll need to understand the basics of auto insurance. The state of Pennsylvania requires that all drivers carry a minimum amount of insurance. Purchasing a minimum coverage policy will allow you to meet the requirements of the law but may not give you enough insurance coverage if you are in a serious accident. If your current budget allows, it may be cost-effective to purchase more than the minimum insurance to protect your future finances.
There may be some options that are important to you. If you don’t have enough cash in your savings account to buy a new car if your is severely damaged in an accident, adding collision coverage may give you peace of mind. This optional car insurance feature pays for repairs to your vehicle whether the crash is your fault or the fault of the other driver. Other options may cover a rental vehicle after an accident or uninsured motorist protection in case you are in an accident with someone who doesn’t have their own car insurance.
As you collect auto insurance quote in Philly, be sure to compare the coverage amounts in each category. If your quotes have different amounts in the bodily injury liability, property damage liability and medical benefits categories, account for the differences as you determine which is a better value. Some insurance companies may offer you quotes with and without optional coverage so you can compare the premiums. You’ll also have to choose between limited and full tort. While a policy with limited tort may be less expensive, full tort gives you more options if you are in a serious crash.