Point Manhattan at the Porcelain

by | Mar 4, 2014 | Home and Garden

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You might be totally surprised at just how porcelain has changed in the last few years. As we watch modern technology move forward and change, like going from regular TV to HDTV, the constant throb of the computer world and the way we adapt our world to the alterations we tend to not give a thought to other areas of life. One such area that we tend to not think about is the advancements in home decorating and DIY materials. Porcelain used to be associated with cups or teapots but not decorating a bathroom. Ceramic tiles were more commonly used on bathroom walls, but with new technology and the capability to create porcelain to look like stone, cement, gravel, granite and many other materials, we are using it far more frequently. One of the other materials that really deserves a mention would have to be wood. When a tile company can make porcelain look like wood they deserve a round of applause. Not only can they make wood but many different types of it, including beech, pine, walnut, cedar, and mahogany, among others.

Where the New Trends Lie

Where once were dull linoleum floors, now there are porcelain tiles in Manhattan, and many other cities around the country and the world. The new technologies that make home decorating so easy give us an abundance of colors, styles, designs and patterns to choose from. Laying tiles in a bathroom or kitchen can add value to the home as well as give it a long lasting floor or wall covering that you can be proud of. Bathrooms and kitchen can also benefit from tiles, not just aesthetically but in terms of cleanliness too. They are far more hygienic than linoleum or carpet and they are easy to wipe clean. In a bathroom tiles can also give the appearance of space where the room may be smaller than you would prefer. You can use reflective or mirror tiles to add natural light to your bathroom as well as using mosaic or patterned tiles to create a unique look. Whatever you decide for your bathroom always do your research first and make sure you have narrowed your list down to the chosen colors and designs at the right prices.

To find the biggest selection of porcelain tiles in Manhattan, contact Italian Tile NYC for a list of their products and prices.