No Money for Bail? Call a Bail Bondsman in Bartow County GA

by | Jul 25, 2019 | Bail Bonds

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When a person is arrested, they appear at an arraignment hearing. They hear the crimes they are charged with and plead guilty or not guilty. The judge also sets a date for their trial, which can be many months away. Most defendants are allowed to post bail and wait for their trial at home. Bail is an amount of money that the defendant will forfeit if they fail to appear for their trial. Because most defendants can’t afford the full amount of their bail, they turn to a Bail Bondsman in Bartow County GA to finance it.

Bail bondsmen are available every day, 24 hours a day. Their offices are located near the police stations and jails, so they can help defendants get out of jail as fast as possible. First-time defendants may not know the process. Bail bondsmen can explain it to them. They also know that many of their clients don’t have the financial resources to pay all of the fees associated with bail. Therefore, they set up an affordable payment plan. The Bail Bondsman in Bartow County GA will lose money if the defendant fails to appear for hearings or their trial. Therefore, they collect information to help them find a missing defendant.

It is a felony for a defendant to lie on a bail bond application. This can lead to additional charges and to their bail being revoked. In addition to their real name and address, the defendant will have to provide any aliases or street names they have used. They will also have to list their place of employment and their employer’s phone number. The names and addresses of close friends and family members must also be included. The Bail Bondsman in Bartow County GA will also take pictures of their face and any unique identifying characteristics. This usually includes tattoos.

The defendant should not be surprised to see their bail bond agent at all of their hearings and at the trial. The bondsman may even call a few days prior to these events to remind the defendant. If the defendant needs a ride, the bondsman will make sure they have one. Corntassel Bonding Co is one of the Bartow County GA companies that provide these services. Defendants and their family should not hesitate to contact them.