If you are thinking about updating your leak flow test equipment, you can use a standard bubble test system that can be very effective. However, vacuum or pressure decay testing equipment is time-tested and can do a better job. Let’s look at some of the things about vacuum decay testing to see if it’s right for you.
What is Vacuum or Pressure Decay?
If you want to test some materials, you can place them under water and check for bubbles. However, this doesn’t give you specific data from your testing. With a pressure or vacuum decay leak flow test, your sample is pressurized, and then the difference between its pressure and normal air pressure is measured twice. This lets you know if there is pressure loss and how much loss has occurred. The process can use either pressure or vacuum because a vacuum is simply a negative atmospheric pressure.
One of the most important benefits you’ll realize from pressure or vacuum decay equipment is the cost. The machines are not that expensive.
Problems with Isolation
When you perform your tests, it’s very important to eliminate all outside influences, and this can sometimes be difficult. For example, you need to do the testing in an enclosed room for best results. You should eliminate any drafts or air movement in the room to give you the most accurate results. This is an important consideration and should not be overlooked.
Some Patience is Required
Remember that a vacuum or pressure decay leak flow test requires some time. This will give you the most accurate results. You have to take two measurements, and if you need fast testing methods, you may have some problems. Also, the larger the testing medium, the longer the testing takes so you may want to use this kind of system on small packaged items.