Investigating the San Jose Regional Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

by | Aug 8, 2019 | Software Development

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A number of computer scientists have announced that they now have several methods that work to stop cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If you’re an average small business owner with a small asset portfolio, then you might ask yourself what is cross-site scripting? It’s a type of security vulnerability that allows crackers and other malcontents to sneak their own code into sites viewed by other users. Fortunately, a new study proves that there are ways site owners can fight back.

Defending Against XSS Vulnerabilities

Since these attacks are extremely common, they’ve been a problem for business owners in San Jose for some time. They’re an excellent way to bypass traditional access controls, so many people find that their sites can be taken over very quickly. Nevertheless, XSS code can’t handle escaped HTML text.

Many sites perform HTML entity encoding for the first five characters of their source code. Recent research suggests that doubling or even tripling this measure can go a long way toward preventing future XSS attacks. Researchers have also found that safely validating untrusted HTML input placed in from outside sources can help put a stop to these attacks. If you’ve ever used a web forum or a social media site, then you might have seen a little control that allows you to bold important text. Unfortunately, criminals can use these tools to seize control of a site. By validating each time such a tool is used to make sure it is legitimate, site owners can virtually stop these attacks in their tracks.

Continued Research in the Field

If you’re still asking yourself what is cross-site scripting, then you’re not alone. So many security vulnerabilities are exposed every day that it’s hard to keep up with them. That’s why it’s good to have experts on your side. Researchers continue to look into a wide variety of attacks and find new ways to mitigate them. Visit site at website for all of the latest information about cybersecurity threats.