Improve the Reliability of That Electrical System With a Panel Replacement in Wilkes-Barre PA

by | Apr 20, 2017 | Business

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The electrical system in a home can be a complex setup, but it all begins at the breaker panel. This is the distribution node where each circuit branches off to different areas. Panels come in various sizes and most of them should have one or two open slots in case a circuit needs to be replaced or added. Several things can affect the reliability of the panel including age, number of circuits and breaker quality. For instance, an older home may have a small panel that is showing signs of heat damage. Heat is a side effect of power usage and it can cause the metals in the connections to expand. This will result in a loose connection and possible electric arc. Panel Replacement in Wilkes-Barre PA can help by upgrading the electrical components to a better quality.

Replacing a panel can be a complicated job and one reason for this is that the electrician needs to know what purpose each breaker is used for. Those large double breakers are normally used for big appliances such as kitchen ranges, clothes dryers, water heaters and comfort systems. The single breakers provide the power to the lights and outlets in various rooms. The panel may have these items marked, but changes to the electrical system can affect the actual use of the breakers. This means that the electrician may need to trace every power lead.

One of the most common reasons for a Panel Replacement in Wilkes-Barre PA is the need to add more circuits to the system. This may be necessary because some installations share breakers with multiple rooms. Shared breakers are quite common with bedroom areas because the load in the locations is generally minimal. However, using shared breakers increases the chance of a circuit overload and tripping the breaker. If the panel is getting crowded, then replacing it may be the only option, especially if the new circuit uses high voltage and requires a double breaker. This can be more common than people realize. Swapping appliance types or installing a large portable air conditioner are some changes that may require an additional circuit. Due to the complexity of the wiring, this task should only be handled by a professional. Visit the Site to get more details about electrical solutions.