Getting The Right 30mm Scope Rings

by | Jun 30, 2016 | Guns

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As with all aspects of customizing or personalizing a gun, getting the correct components to not only look good but to function correctly is the primary importance. This includes everything from selecting your own particular scope as well as choosing the 30mm scope rings that are the best option.

One mistake that many new gun owners make is to restrict their choice of scope rings to those made or recommended by the scope manufacturer. While this is always a safe choice, it is misleading in that third-party manufactured 30mm scope rings can work just as well and they often offer easier installation and different options compared to the standard models.

The First Step
An essential component to know when you start looking for scope rings is to know the size of your scope. Specifically, you will need to know the scope’s objective diameter.

To find this information find the scope specifications and confirm that it is, in fact, a 30mm requirement. You will also need to check and verify the type of mounting system on the weapon. This is most often either a Picatinny or a dovetail type of base.

There are two different styles of scope rings that are used on most types of weapons. The most common is the horizontal split, which allows the top of the ring to be removed and the scope placed into the lower half, then the top half is tightened for a secure fit. The bottom half remains attached to the base.

The other option is a vertical split. In this style, both halves of the ring are secured to the base. Both are removed to attach or remove the scope. While a bit more complicated to use, they are considered to provide the most secure hold for the scope, which may be an important factor based on your use of the weapon and how often you will want to change out or remove the scope.

The height to choose in 30mm scope rings is a direct measurement of the clearance needed for the specific scope. The ideal position of the scope is just above the barrel of the gun, making no contact along the length of the scope.

It is also critical not to have the scope too high off the barrel, as this forces the shooter into an unnatural position when sighting through the scope. Choosing the right scope rings and base to maintain the minimum clearance without extending the scope too high will be an important factor to consider.

Precision Reflex, Inc. offers a top selection of 30mm scope rings in different heights and styles to suit any weapon. To browse our inventory see us online at URL.

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