Frequently Asked Questions About Augers in Oregon

by | Jan 27, 2017 | Business

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The auger is one of the most important pieces of equipment that one can have in the mill. For newbies in the industry, there may be many aspects of working with Augers in Oregon that they are unfamiliar with. Here are answers to some of the most often asked questions.

Q: Are augers safe to work around?

A: Augers are as safe as the workers who are in the vicinity of them. Augers are extremely powerful, even ones that are not large in size. Therefore, caution should always be exercised when performing any sort of work around them or while operating them.

Q: What are proper maintenance habits when working with augers?

A: When working with an electrically powered machine such as Augers in Oregon, there should always be a lock out/tag out procedure performed so that the machine will not accidentally be started while it is being cleaned. Grain that is moved by the auger can quickly envelop and kill a person within seconds.

Q: When the auger turns, it seems to sound “violent”, what are some possible problems?

A: If the auger is of a spring variety, the tension may be incorrect. Proper tension is required on spring augers to avoid rattling. The auger may also have been wired incorrectly. Occasionally, laymen will wire them backward which will cause the auger to turn in reverse. This can also cause a violent noise issuing forth from the mill.

Q: If an older auger is purchased that later is found to have rust on it, is there anything that can be done to remove it?

A: Absolutely! The easiest way to remove rust from an auger is to have it sandblasted. This will remove the bulk of the rust. After sandblasting is completed, run a few cycle of a cheap hard grain such as corn through it. This will get rid of any residue by scrubbing it away. After that, regular use will ensure the auger will remain rust-free.

Check Out Website if a new or gently used auger is needed. They can also answer any questions that may be posed concerning augers and other mill equipment.