You do not have to wait for open enrollment to begin preparing to navigate the health care marketplace. By giving yourself a head start, you move at your own pace in determining which plan to select. That way, the pressure of meeting a deadline will not cloud you from making the best choice.
Here are a few tips to help you from start to finish shop for health insurance.
Know What You Can Pay Every Month
Typically, premiums are the first thing people look for in a health care plan. It is understandable that you want affordable insurance that covers your medical care needs. Knowing this monthly expense beforehand helps you budget better.
Plan for Out-of-Pocket Expenses
A low premium might equal a high deductible, which could increase your overall costs. Fortunately, the Affordable Care Act has eliminated the cost of some preventative care services. For example, some cancer screenings and immunizations are exempt from an insurance deductible.
Gather Important Information for the Application
Once you select a plan that meets your needs, it is time to complete the Marketplace application. Be prepared to provide basic information about yourself, a spouse and any dependents. Details about your household and family are necessary in case you qualify for lower-cost health insurance plans.
Get Help Navigating the Health Insurance Marketplace
Health insurance coverage is important to your wellness. If completing an application seems daunting, Georgia Health Insurance Marketplace can help you with the process. Call us today at 404-975-3313 for courteous service in the health care marketplace.