Ensure Your Home or Business Stays Warm With Quality Gas Furnace Installation in Bainbridge Island

by | Apr 24, 2015 | Air Conditioning

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Living in a damp area such as Bainbridge Island can be a little trying whenever the temperature drops. This is why it is important to have a quality HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system in your home or business. In fact, wet areas such as Bainbridge Island and Kitsap county have been known to have cold nights even during the summer. Of course, part of the reason for this is the high humidity and the sudden onset of fog and similar factors. To ensure that your family, guests or customers stay comfortable, it is important that you get expert help for your Gas Furnace Installation Bainbridge Island.

Gas furnaces are often preferred over electric models because of their clean operation and energy efficiency. Most gas burning systems run at efficiency ratings of eighty-five to ninety percent which means less fuel used and a quickly heated environment. The two varieties of gas burning furnaces include one that burns natural gas and an adapted model that burns propane or a propane/butane mixture. The difference is the size of the fuel outlet. LP (Liquid Propane) burns hotter than natural gas, so it requires less fuel flow for the same amount of BTU (British Thermal Unit). You will usually know if your system uses LP fuel because your home or business will have a storage tank that needs to be filled. View website for quality gas furnace installation in Bainbridge Island.

Once the new heating system is installed, it is important to keep it maintained. Areas that should be checked include any exhaust vents, circulating fans and the combustion chamber. At the very least, the combustion chamber should be cleaned and inspected any time that the unit has been left idle for a week or longer. This can be especially critical in a combined HVAC unit because the air conditioner can pull a lot of lint or dust into the air exchanger. If the debris settles in the combustion chamber, it could result in a flash fire. Quality filters and frequent cleaning of the air intake will reduce the chance of this happening. If you are thinking about a new HVAC system or you need Gas Furnace Installation Bainbridge Island, be sure to visit the experts at website