Divorce Help from Commack Family Law Lawyers

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Law Services

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A divorce is a difficult experience even under the best of circumstances, but making the proceedings uncontested can make things easier. In an uncontested divorce, spouses agree on issues such as child support and custody, as well as asset, liability and debt division. Uncontested divorces cost much less than those that are contested, and these cases are usually resolved more quickly, allowing the parties to get on the road to recovery. However, some couples cannot work out certain issues, and things can get complicated. Below are some options for when an uncontested divorce gets difficult.

* Check NY’s divorce laws: In Commack and the surrounding areas, you may be able to get free legal advice from a facilitator. You can get help filling out your divorce papers and negotiating agreements with your spouse.

* Enlist the services of a mediator: In divorce mediation, couples talk with a neutral third party to reach an agreement on divorce issues. It is the mediator’s job to help spouses find a compromise, avoid conflict and find solutions that work for both parties. A mediator’s recommendations aren’t legally binding unless specifically noted and agreed upon by both parties.

* Hire a lawyer: If you have tried the previous two options on this list with no luck, it is best for you to hire a divorce or family law attorney.

* Commack Family Law Lawyers

* Cannot represent you and your spouse, as it would present a conflict of interest. When hiring an attorney, consider their experience, knowledge and record, and take the time to become comfortable with him or her.

* Once your attorney files your divorce petition, your spouse has a chance to respond. When a response is received, the case moves into the discovery phase, where information is provided to the other party. Couples can reach settlement or go to mediation any time during the divorce process, but if they cannot reach an agreement, the case will go in front of a judge.

In a perfect world, all divorces would be uncontested and it would be less stressful to end a marriage. However, divorce is a sometimes acrimonious and always emotional process, and it is difficult to keep it amicable. When your only choice is a contested divorce, you should enter the process knowing what to expect. A divorce attorney with Todd J. Zimmer and Associates can outline your options and protect your interests.