If you’ve been injured and are unable to work or you have a health issue that prevents you from working as you normally would, an option would be to consult with an attorney who can offer assistance. When you meet with an attorney, you want to have as many details as possible pertaining to why you’re not able to maintain a job. Here are a few ways that you can prepare for your meeting.
Medical Records
When you go to your first meeting with an best SSD lawyer in Austin, you want to try to have as many medical documents with you as possible. These should show how long you’ve been disabled and the severity of your disability. If you’re able to work minimal hours each week, your attorney could work to obtain partial benefits to supplement what you earn.
Another detail that you’ll talk about with an SSD lawyer in Austin is whether you’ve worked long enough throughout your life to make payments to the Social Security Administration. Your disability benefits are often calculated based on how much you’ve paid into the system, and if you haven’t worked enough, then you might not have the credits needed to receive a monthly benefit amount.
Physical Limitations
Talk to your attorney about what you feel you can do on a job and some of the things that you know you’re physically unable to perform. Offer details about how you feel after sitting or standing for extended periods of time. You can also offer details about how much you can lift or if you’re unable to lift heavy objects at all.