When caring for a loved one who has dementia, requires a lot of patience. Those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia need constant supervision, and someone must be with them at every moment of the day. This can be hard on many families, as they often try, at least in the beginning, to be the main caregivers for their loved ones. No one should ever feel guilty about feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by caring for loved ones with these health issues, because it is something that can even be tried for professionals on occasion.
Dementia care in New Jersey not only involves constant supervision, but it also involves doing many little tasks throughout the day, as well as many larger ones. The patients need to be watched at all times to ensure that they do not injure themselves in any way. They need to be given medications, caregivers are responsible for feeding, bathing, and assisting with using the bathroom.
Those who are suffering from dementia need to remain active, and it is the duty of the caregiver to ensure that they take part in everyday activities. These can be as simple as going for short walks if the patient is mobile, exercising, playing games, listening to music, and taking part in other hobbies. The more the patient is encouraged to be active, the better their health, both physical and mental, is going to be. They may need assistance with activities, but the more they do, the longer they are able to retain some of their mental capabilities.
While many people choose to take on the burden of dementia care themselves, it is often recommended that patients be moved to assisted living facilities. Here, they can get the 24/7 care they need, and family members can have some much-needed rest. These facilities have everything needed to care for the elderly, and they offer a community where patients can socialize and take part in a variety of activities. At Regency Memory Care Club, nurses are able to provide the constant care that patients need, and they have the training to respond quickly to any emergencies.