Cleaning Up the Tragic Aftermath of a Crime or a Death in Oregon

by | Mar 5, 2020 | Business

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It’s something they never will show you on a real-life crime scene; cleaning up the aftermath of the crime scene. The tragic truth is, once the detectives have collected the evidence, the scene remains as a biohazard.

In 2019 alone, the city of Portland had nearly 10,000 assaults, 36 murders, and almost 750 sexual assaults. Any of these crimes could cause a biohazard situation on your property. If a violent crime has been committed on your property, once the police have collected the necessary evidence, you’ll need to call in a crime scene cleaning company in Oregon.

An unattended death can also result in a police investigation and the necessity of a biohazard cleanup. It’s a sad situation, but the truth is, if a homeless person or a drug addict dies on your property, the resulting cleanup will fall upon you. Likewise, if a tenant dies on a property you rent, the resulting biohazard cleanup is your responsibility. These are subjects no one wants to talk about, but sadly, death is a fact of life.

While calling in a crime scene cleaning company in Oregon may seem financially intimidating, your property insurance will cover the cost in most cases. A reputable biohazard cleanup company will also waive the deductible, so there will be no cost to you. In case your insurance doesn’t cover the cost, a good cleanup company will use a sliding scale to ease your burden.

Bio Management Northwest is the best crime scene cleaning company in Oregon