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Grooving With God

A staple in any church service is the music. A lot of people have memories of the hymns they heard in church as a child, standing up and subconsciously absorbing the word of God as they sang along. Music is a great way to get people more involved in a church service...

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Does the Bible Say the Earth is 6,000 Years Old?

The biggest question on the lips of many Christians and their opponents is the age of the Earth. Does the Bible say the Earth is only 6,000 years old? Proponents of Young Earth Creationism would answer in the affirmative, whereas their ‘scientific’ adversaries would...

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Why Is There Deception In The Church Today?

When you think of participating in a church, especially a church in your neighborhood, you do not expect to have to evaluate the accuracy and validity of the teachings of that church and church leaders. However, it is essential that everyone be vigilant to the...

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