Call Termite Control in Tempe at the First Sign of Termites

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Pest Control

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Arizona is experiencing heavy termite activity. Homeowners in the Tempe region therefore need to learn how to identify the warning signs that termites have arrived at their home. Termites are subterranean insects and like to bring their dirt with them. As a result they travel in long narrow tubes of soil that are about the size of pencils. Gardeners may notice these in their flower beds or worse homeowners may observe them on their walls. Termites don’t travel outside their tubes, so if homeowners see insects on their walls or deck, they aren’t subterranean termites. Once these tubes have been identified the homeowner must call a company that specializes in Termite Control in Tempe immediately.

Failure to eradicate termites quickly can result in serious damage to the home’s wood frame. Once the technician arrives he will measure the size of the house. The square footage determines how much of the termiticide will be necessary to destroy the termite colony. Because the termites travel under the ground, the application is different from other insecticide treatments. The technician from Cummings Termite and Pest Control will drill holes in the surfaces around the home and inside the home. If they determine that the termites are in the walls, then that space will be treated as well. The goal is to create a chemical barrier that the termites travel through between the home and their colony. As they pass through the termiticide they will bring it back to the colony and ultimately destroy it.

Termite activity does not end overnight. It takes time for the chemical to reach the colony. Homeowners shouldn’t panic if they continue to see termite tubes for a few weeks. Some customers are afraid that the chemicals used in the termiticide are not safe for them and their pets. All chemicals that are used have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. Fipronil is the leading ingredient in many termite treatments. It is also used in many popular flea collars. Homeowners can Visit their website to learn more about how Cummings exterminators conduct effective Termite Control in Tempe. They can work with the exterminators to set up a monitoring program to ensure that their home is not infested with termites again.