Call in the Pros for a Main Waterline Repair in Portland OR

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Plumbing

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Imagine coming home only to find the front yard is now a swampland. For some, this is how they learn they are in need of a main Waterline Repair in Portland OR. Others, however, discover they have a problem when the water pressure in the home drops and yet their water bill continues to get higher and higher. When the time comes to replace the main waterline in the home, a homeowner may believe he or she can call on friends to help get the job done. This can be a mistake, as this task involves multiple steps.

First and foremost, the main water line must be excavated. Doing this chore by hand will take a great deal of time, time in which the homeowner is still dealing with the same issues that led to the discovery of the need for the repair. If a machine is hired, the price goes up significantly, and the pipe may run under one or more sidewalks, adding to the difficulty of the task. In addition, the homeowner may find he or she has more water in the yard, as any water in the home will leak out when the pipe is uncovered and disconnected. Once the pipe has been uncovered, replacement parts need to be obtained.

The new pipe must be laid and problems can arise here also. Once it has been put down, it must be checked for leaks and the job isn’t done. When the pipe has been determined to be leak proof, it’s time to make repairs to the yard. Sod must be replaced and the landscape restored as much as possible. Many plumbing companies handle these tasks also, but a homeowner must do them if he or she decides to tackle the job alone, adding to the time and cost.

If you find you are in need of a Main Waterline Repair in Portland OR, . They help customers will issues like this on a regular basis and will work with you to determine the problem and how best to correct it. In the event the problem arises in middle of the night, they can be of help here also, as they offer around-the-clock emergency service. Don’t hesitate to call on them for all of your heating, cooling and plumbing needs, as you can rely on their fast and friendly team. Get further details here!