Busy People Can Use Landscape Maintenance in Wilton, CT. Services

by | May 28, 2020 | Landscaping

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Though everyone wants a beautiful landscape, not everyone has the time or physical ability to design, install, and maintain one. The problem is that homeowners with standalone houses usually have yards around them. Do nothing, and there will be ugly weeds or too tall grass growing, making the neighbors unhappy. Having the outdoor space paved over or covered with a layer of rocks is not an attractive solution either. But companies that do landscape maintenance in Wilton, CT. can plan, install, and maintain a beautiful lawn.

Planning A Landscape

A homeowner can hire a landscape company such as Exteriors, Inc. to plan and install the type of landscape they want. Then the same company can come to the home periodically to maintain the lawn and plantings. This landscape can include fountains, swimming pools, trees, flower beds, and shrubs. There can be outdoor living areas such as decks or patios, outdoor kitchens, or pergolas.

Or the homeowner can opt for a simple lawn with periodic mowing. Many new construction housing projects sod all the lawns to give homeowners a good start and control water runoff and so on. These sodded lawns must still be mowed because grass or sod is a living thing that grows. In addition to mowing, these simple sodded lawns must be fertilized as needed and watered during dry weather. Lawns may be attacked by insects or other pests that will need to be dealt with.

If the lawn around a new home has not been sodded or seeded with grass seed, it is up to the homeowner. Bare dirt is not an option. Weeds and volunteer bushes and trees can take root. Rain and other bad weather can cause erosion. Communities and homeowner associations may have covenants and other requirements for the setup and care of individual lawns and landscaping.

Maintaining A Yard

Even those who move into established homes with lovely yards must do certain maintenance duties or hire them out. Exteriors, Inc. is a local company offering landscape maintenance in Wilton, CT. Landscape companies can be contracted to come on a regular basis for landscape maintenance in Wilton, CT. Call us for more information.

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