Benefits of an Emulsion Roof Coating for Your Apartment Building

by | Jul 5, 2019 | Loan

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Benefits of an Emulsion Roof Coating for Your Apartment Building

Your apartment building needs a new roof. You could go the standard route, tearing off the old roof and then replacing it with a new one. Alternatively, you could opt to install an emulsion roof coating instead. Here’s why an emulsion coating might be the better choice for your apartment building and its tenants.

It Can Save You Money

As a property owner, you know how important it is to save money when it comes to the upkeep of your building. With a roof coating, you can build up the material to a precise thickness, so you won’t spend money on unnecessary excess. Also, continual upgrades will allow you to keep your roof in top shape without a costly tear-off.

It Decreases Disruptions

Tenants will appreciate a roof emulsion because the installation process won’t disrupt their daily lives. Because no tear-off is required, they won’t have to worry about dumpsters or debris blocking their parking spaces. In addition, the installation doesn’t create any unpleasant fumes, and it doesn’t involve any flames that could damage tenants’ property.

It Reduces Waste

Your environmentally conscious tenants will appreciate the way that an emulsion coating reduces waste. A coating can go directly on top of your current roofing system, so you won’t need to take a trip to the landfill with your discarded building materials. In fact, you may never again need a full roof replacement.

It Helps You Conserve Energy

Reflective coatings on an emulsion roof keep the building from absorbing as much heat energy as it would otherwise. This can keep your cooling bills down, which is beneficial for your bottom line and can also help to keep rental rates lower for your tenants.

To learn more about the benefits of an emulsion roof coating for your building, visit Western Colloid at Website.