Many people incorrectly assume that if they’re charged with a DUI and they fail the BAC test they’re going to be found guilty of a DUI whether or not they hire a lawyer. Often, they’ll save the money they might have spent on a DUI Attorney in Hattiesburg MS, to pay the fines without realizing they might not have to pay the fines if they hire an attorney to fight for them. It is possible to beat a DUI charge, but the person will need to seek help to do so.
Although a DUI arrest is based on the evidence from a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) test, this test is not always correct, and there can be issues with its calibration or use that could lead to a false reading. If a person hires a DUI Attorney in Hattiesburg MS, the attorney can look into the calibration and use of the test to determine whether it was used correctly. If it wasn’t, the attorney can ask for the charges to be dismissed based on a lack of evidence. Often, this is a successful technique that can be used to clear a person of their DUI charges.
Other options for having the charges dismissed depend on the person’s exact situation. If the police pulled them over and gave them the BAC test without probable cause, the test and its results may be considered invalid. There are a variety of ways to beat this type of charge, and most of them are not well known or used. This is why it’s important to hire a DUI attorney in Hattiesburg MS, who has experience not only in taking DUI cases but in having DUI charges dismissed for their clients. They’ll fully understand police procedures and the laws surrounding DUI charges and convictions so they can use any defense available to help their client.
If you’ve been arrested and charged with a DUI, all hope is not lost. You are not considered guilty from the start and do have the right to legal counsel to help you through this situation. Get the help you need from Criminal Defense Attorney at T. Michael Reed today so you can find out if your DUI charge can be dismissed. Get more details.