Tools are most useful when they are easy to access. A rolling tool crib or chest is one way to ensure that your tools are handy and available in your workshop. The top tool chest is an accessory that sits on the rolling tool chest and is an add-on, making a complete tool caddy where you can store all of your tools in one place.
The rolling tool chest is a large tool storage bin with drawers that pull out where tools are laid out in each drawer. The drawers glide on rollers and make it easy to organize tools and access them when they are needed. The top tool chest is where you keep tools that you use most often. It has a top opening lid and several drawers on rollers that open quickly and easily.
Although a top tool chest is useful, you probably will not be able to move it once you have fully loaded it with tools. This is why you will need to add this tool chest to a bottom tool chest that rolls with the tools on top. The bottom chest should have four caster style wheels, two that spin and two that are fixed so that the chest can be moved to where you need it. After all, when you need tools you want them right next to you where they can be used.
If you have to go hunting for the tools that you need then you are going to end up wasting a lot of your valuable working time. Time is money in most cases, so being organized and having as many of your tools as possible at your fingertips is crucial to getting the job done in a short amount of time with less searching for the right tool. The top tool chest is a place where you can store the tools that you use the most so that they are ready when you need them. Many people make the mistake of buying the top chest before they have the lower one to roll it around with. Tools are extremely heavy, so you want to be able to move them to where they are needed.